Naperville Pediatric Dentistry

 Get Them Started Early

Infant Care

Did you know that kids should see a dentist for the first time when they turn 1 year old, or whenever they get their first tooth? At Pinky Promise Pediatric Dentistry, we serve children of all ages. It’s important for infants and toddlers to see a dentist to see a board certified pediatric dentist like Dr. Neelon Patel early. She can check their oral development, give tips on oral hygiene, and make sure their teeth and gums are healthy as they grow.

Schedule Their First Visit

Keep Their Teeth Healthy

Adolescent Care

As toddlers grow into adolescence, it’s critical to maintain good oral hygiene habits. Kids usually have of all their baby teeth by the age of 3, and their first adult teeth start coming in around the age of 6. Preventing cavities and ensuring proper oral development are top priorities for kids and adolescents. Routine six-month visits with Dr. Neelon Patel and good oral hygiene will help your child build a lifetime of good dental habits.

Care For Changing Smiles

Dentistry For Teens

Teens have more independence, and may be more likely to put their oral health at risk by eating more sugar, smoking, and vaping. They also may need orthodontic care to straighten their teeth and correct their bite. Dr. Neelon Patel is here to help your children through every stage of dental care, including their teen years. She’s familiar with the challenges of dental care for teens, and can help keep your child on track as they grow into a young adult.

How We Enable Healthy Smiles For Life

Teeth Cleanings & Oral Exams

Teeth cleanings and oral exams are at the heart of preventive dentistry. When your child sees Dr. Neelon Patel every 6 months, she can track their oral health, catch issues early, and give you and your child the guidance you need to keep their mouth healthy.

Fluoride Treatments

We often do fluoride treatments as part of routine 6-month appointments. In this process, Dr. Neelon Patel will paint a fluoride-rich liquid onto your child’s teeth. Fluoride attracts minerals that strengthen their enamel, which reduces their risk of cavities.

Dental Sealants

Dental sealants are usually recommended when your child’s first adult molars come in, around the age of 6. They consist of liquid resin, which is painted onto the posterior molars. Then, Dr. Neelon Patel hardens this liquid into a protective barrier, which prevents bacteria, acid, and food from contacting the enamel directly and dramatically reduces the risk of cavities.

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A Simple Alternative To Fillings

Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF)

Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF) uses a mixture of silver, ammonia, water, and fluoride to treat cavities in baby teeth. Dr. Neelon Patel will paint this mixture directly onto your child’s tooth. It will harden, kill bacteria, and halt the cavity’s progression. This is a great alternative to fillings, especially for very young kids.

The Benefits Of SDF

  • Non-invasive

  • Inexpensive

  • No drill required

  • Long-lasting results

  • Ideal for baby teeth

  • Prevents further decay

 Pain-Free Dental Care

How We Keep Little Ones Comfortable

We know that dentistry can be scary for kids. That’s why we offer a comfortable environment and pain-free dental care. We use advanced topical anesthetics for numbing, offer sedation with nitrous oxide (laughing gas), and utilize a Solea CO2 laser to reduce discomfort, bleeding, and recovery times. You can trust us to take great care of your child throughout their appointment.

Dedicated to your child's comfort:

  • Solea CO2 laser

  • Topical anesthetic

  • Sedation Options

Dental Fillings For Cavities

While they are preventable, most kids get a cavity or two as they grow. Once Dr. Neelon Patel recognizes a cavity, a filling is often the best way to treat it. In this procedure, Dr. Neelon Patel will clean up the area, remove damaged enamel, and replace it with a tooth-colored composite substance. This restores the shape and appearance of your child’s tooth, eliminates the cavity, and protects it for years to come.

Pediatric Dental Crowns And More

Hall Crowns

Hall crowns may be a good option for some cases of tooth decay in baby teeth. This type of dental crown doesn’t require any numbing shots or drilling. Dr. Neelon Patel will simply seal the tooth using a special type of dental cement, then place a stainless steel crown directly over the tooth to protect it. Hall crowns can protect the baby tooth until it falls out naturally, and is replaced by an adult tooth.

Stainless Steel Crowns

There are some cases where the Hall technique may not be appropriate. In that case, Dr. Neelon Patel will usually use a stainless steel crown for baby teeth. She will clean and trim the tooth, similarly to preparing for a dental filling. Dr. Neelon will use a topical gel and the Solea laser to desensitize the area prior to placing the crown. Then, she will place a pre-fitted stainless steel crown over the tooth to cover it up and protect it until the adult tooth erupts.

Sprig EZCrowns

Sprig EZCrowns are a fantastic alternative to stainless steel crowns. Prefabricated in a variety of sizes from durable and beautiful zirconia, these crowns are designed to look and feel just like a natural tooth. Made from biocompatible materials, EZCrowns are completely free from any metals. Their unique design allows for quicker, more secure placement, for your child's added comfort. Plus, they are resistant to stains and plaque buildup, so your little one's smile can shine bright for years to come.

MTA Indirect Pulp Capping & Direct Pulp Capping

MTA pulp capping is an innovative technique that can be used to save your child's tooth from decay and restore their smile back to full health. Pulp capping can be separated into two types: indirect and direct. When tooth decay spreads through the enamel, but has yet to reach the dental pulp, indirect pulp capping can be used to prevent exposure of the pulp, reducing the chance of future decay. Direct pulp capping is similar, but it is performed in cases of more extensive decay in which the pulp has already been exposed. In both cases, Dr. Neelon Patel will remove all of the decayed material and apply a layer of MTA to protect the tooth before applying a filling or dental crown. Compared to other agents, MTA has the highest success rate in maintaining tooth health.

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